The Unconservatory  

A Few Great Reasons to Attend Student (and other!) Performances

This article was printed in the program of the May 19, 1996 Unconservatory student concert and fund raising benefit.

If you are a professional or avocational musician, or if you just play music for fun the answer is obvious: "I create music," you proclaim with joy. If, like most Americans, you do not fall into one of these first three categories, the answer is equally obvious: "They create music," you say at the concert hall, record store or in the presence of your favorite modern electronic stereo (or monaural) sound reproducing device.

In any case, you have either studied music or someone else did in order to bring your music to life. Someone needed to be a music student to make your music happen for you. While all of this may seem plainly obvious to those of us who have chosen our direction at the great player/audience fork in the road, think for a moment about those who have not. (If you are currently a well financed music student you can skip the rest of this message...... For now!)

Our music students are now facing the toughest of times. The acoustic hopes and dreams of our culture lie in an area of education that continues to suffer the worst budget cuts. If you think there is enough good music and musicians floating around today ask yourself, "Who will be doing it in ten years? twenty? thirty?..."

The answer is on stage in front of you today. You are witnessing the future of music. Your continued support of these and other young musicians is not only a great idea, but essential to our cultural survival. Next question: "What can I do to help?" Here is a short list of suggestions:

Attend student and professional concerts, get your friends to come with you (Yes, even the Olympics can be taped!), make a cash donation to The Unconservatory, to your local symphony, to your school's music program (or how about directly to a deserving music student?), volunteer to help a musical organization at the office or at the concert, buy recordings of local artists (available today, in fact!), donate musical instruments, computers, office equipment and other much needed items to your favorite musical organization...

If you need any help with this list just ask one of today's performers. Enjoy the show! Best wishes from Kirk Whipple & Marilyn Morales!

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